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Looking to confirm Version and Service Pack


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I've purchased a couple of licenses and have installed Wavepad Masters Edition. One of the licenses I purchased I gave to our IT Group to test with. We need to fill out a doc as to Version and Service Pack. When I open up the application I see Wavepad Sound Editor 4.03. Can I get someone to confirm the Version and Service Pack for this Product?



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Guest MichaelJee



I would have thought that service packs are more to do with operating systems. We don’t use the; we update software with new installers.

We progressively bring out new versions with more features and bug fixes.


Does this answer you question? If not, I would suggest talking to person responsible for software governance within your organisation.




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If you are seeing the version 4.03 of Wavepad that indicates the version that you have installed and licensed.


And no new installers have been created for this most recent version of the software.

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