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M4a Editing and playback in iTunes


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I edited an m4a file from iTunes (not a purchased or protected file) and that seemed to work well enough in WavePad except that now iTunes will not play it at all, just seems to ignore it. What gives? Did I miss a step or something?


Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MichaelJee



I haven’t heard of this issue, and cannot replicate it.


Can you please list the details of the .mp4 when you are saving it? You might be better off creating a support ticket and sending us the file so we can look at it.




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Let me look at a couple of things and see, I have not done anything since submitting the post. I'm using the free version to evaluate and if it works then that's great, but if it doesn't I've missed nothing. I'll get back to you with some detail or perhaps even success?!





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I have it figured out though it is still odd to me. In order to work I need to open the file in WavePad, edit the file, perform a Save As and give it a new name, then right click the file in windows explorer and open in iTunes. Then it adds to iTunes and plays without issue. No big deal really just odd as I cannot open the file, edit and save to the original file name and have it work in iTunes.



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Guest MichaelJee

Hi Tim,


I have just tested .m4a file in WP


- opened, edited “saved as” kept filename

- opened, edited “saved as” changed file name.

- Opened edited, saved, kept old filename.


Each file played ok within iTunes.


What exact version of WP and iTunes are you using. Are you able to get the file to me? PM for FTP details




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