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Program hangs when trying to save new file


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Hi, I'm testing out the free version of WavePad, I found it through a Google search, I'm trying to use it to make ring-tone size files.


My problem is, after copying and pasting a sample of an audio file into a new audio file, I try to save the new file and the program hangs, I have to shut it down with the Task Manager and I lose the new file I tried to create. The task manager also indicates that WavePad is pegging my CPU.


I would like to get the master version of this program, but I can't see paying for a program that doesn't work properly. The first few times I did what I described it worked fine, then I started having this problem. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm running version 4.03 on XP with SP3, 1 GB RAM.


* EDIT * for additional info:

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, that seemed to fix the problem, I'll post again if it happens again.

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Well, after doing an uninstall and reinstall, I was able to work with one file, then it started hanging again. However, I found that this issue looks like it stems from using the menu pane on the left side of the window, I was using that to do most of the commands, once the program hang when I simply tried to collapse the Bookmarks section. I closed that pane and used the icons and menu bar on top instead, works fine that way. Weird.... :unsure:

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