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Trying free version 2C if I want to purchase but can't save


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I just downloaded the free version of Wavepad Sound Editor to see if I want to purchase before the end of December; however, I cannot save the file I edited. I opened a wav file from my PC, doubled the volume and tried to save the file. I chose all the drop down options, and none of them worked. All I need to do with this program is double the volume on some homemade tracks, and I am willing to buy whatever software I need to do this. This program looks easy enough except I can't save the darn file after editing! Please help! The special offer runs out in a few days, and I want to purchase before that offer ends. Thanks in advance!

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I just downloaded the free version of Wavepad Sound Editor to see if I want to purchase before the end of December; however, I cannot save the file I edited. I opened a wav file from my PC, doubled the volume and tried to save the file. I chose all the drop down options, and none of them worked. All I need to do with this program is double the volume on some homemade tracks, and I am willing to buy whatever software I need to do this. This program looks easy enough except I can't save the darn file after editing! Please help! The special offer runs out in a few days, and I want to purchase before that offer ends. Thanks in advance!


Make sure you have downloaded version 4.02. Version 4.01 has that bug and caught out a friend of mine. The other option is to click on the audio and do CTRL A (hold the CTRL key and press the A key to select all). The menu options will then be available.

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