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No Stereo only mono


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I see only mono. How do I set the stereo option.

My LP have stereo music and when I save the music then I hear te music in mono.

Also when I record the music from the LP then I see only the mono line and not 2 lines

(stereoI see in the program.

I want only play it in stereo and also save it in stereo.


Please help me.



Rob Ecklestone


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Guest MichaelJee



There is no option. If the track is recorded in true dual channel stereo, and you save the file as stereo, then it will remain in stereo.


On the lower right hand side of the waveform you’ll see buttons for changing the format. You can select the “Wave Display, left channel up / right channel down”


Please detail more how you are recording the track with what connectors etc.





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