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Port 8000 blocked


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I have downloaded Express Talk 1.01 for Pocket PC.

I am using this for a SIP account.

It works fine with my Desk Top but with my pocket PC I get a notice under networking option, which says "this device is blocking port 8000. I tried and changed the port to 8002 or 8004 but nothing happened.

I can hear the sound from other end but my voice can not be heard by other party.

Any body has a clue what I have to do to rectify this and the port 8000 can be unblocked. If this is due to a Fire wall how can I find fire wall in my pocket PC which is HP IPAQ RW6815.

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If your pocket PC is connecting via WiFi, it's likely the firewall causing the problem is on the router end. You should reference your router's user manual/documentation on how to correctly forward ports to a device on the network and set it up to allow/forward port 8000 for the IPAQ. Hopefully that will correct the problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I have the same problem of Port Block when trying to install and when trying to run the Network setup. I had installed Fring and used skype from my HTC Diamond PDA and it works fine and also I know that SIP Ports are not blocked by the GPRS Service of the GSM Service provider I am using because some other dialers using SIP Port 5060 is working fine with the GPRS.


I am using the the Pocket Talk software via the GPRS.


Please advice how to resolve the problem. Thanks

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