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voice Recording Auto-Trims?


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Hopefully someone can provide some suggestions or solutions. I don't see any other similar problems posted.


PROBLEM: I record my voice with Wavepad, but the captured audio seems to have been auto-trimmed or something. Within the 60 second recording, my voice has the quality of an over-trimmed sound.


SPECS: Wavepad 3.05 / external SHURE mic running through TubeMP amp / plugged into laptop mic jack / Windows XP


MY EFFORTS: None of the things I've tried have worked. I've tried turning the volume down on the amp, I've tried using a headset microphone, I've tried adjusting the input setting on Wavepad, I checked memory on my laptop and it has 18 Gig available out of 40 Gig, I CAN'T find a setting for AutoTrim level on Wavepad.


HELP? Suggestions?

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Guest MichaelJee



40GB is a lot of memory :)


I’m unsure of the issue you are explaining, and would need the file in question; can you please send to me, or create a ticket within our helpdesk system.


Have you tried turning the recording volume down on your mic input? Mic inputs are designed to have mic’s plugged into them, not pre-amps.




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