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Open File Problem

Nashville Spotlight

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I am editing audio from videos for a TV Show, I extract the audio from imovie and when I use the open file option in WavePad and import the audio file from my desktop it is longer than the original. Not too much but enough that it can not be just dropped back into the slot from where it came. It is added into wavepad al almost 1 second longer that the original. This is a problem as when you put the reworked song back into the movie the audio does not line up with the video.


Any suggestions, I am using an intel mac with 10.5.0 and the registered version of wavepad 3.14 Intel.

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Guest MichaelJee



1 – How are you extracting it? Is it being converted to another format? A 1 second discrepancy over a 90min movie represents only a 0.0185% (x= 1/(60x90)x100) error. In the process of conversion it could have moved a little.


As such, it sounds like the extra second is coming from your extraction method, not WavePad. Test for this by extracting the audio then trying to “slot it back in” without making any changes.




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