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WavePad Masters 3.05


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Hello everybody,


For some reason my help files were deleted and when I use now the WP Masters 3.05, help is not activated. I would very much appreciate if anyone could upload their help file, as .CHM or PDF, and let me have it, so I can downloaded it.


Thank you very much in advance.

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Guest MichaelJee



I would suggest simply installing the demo on another PC, and copying the help folder.

Alas, if you supply your email address (in a PM) I can send you the Help folder at >> C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\WavePad\Help *.*




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Guest MichaelJee



I cant imagine how copying a folder full of HTML files wouldn't have worked, nor how you made a PDF of the files if they were deleted, though super glad you got it sorted!




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