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WadePad 4.0 Fade Out Problem


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hello everyone i need help :wacko: i had the wade pad 3.2 & worked really good, now i downloaded the new version but im havig trouble on the fade out.....it doesnt fade out it just cuts the sound PLEASE HELP ANYONE!!!!!

OK, I’ve had it. I have been watching this post for the better part of a week and it appears (from the counters) that I am not the only one with this problem. I tried to fade (using the icon and the pull downs) and the function seems to take the selected data and attenuate it to about 75% and keep it there with no fade at all. I have used other versions and never had a problem. I even read something in the manual about some functions that won’t work with the unregistered versions. So I bought a new version (v4.01). It still won’t work. Could anybody that has paid the extortion fees for the tech support please write them and ask them what is wrong with their software. I can’t even call them to get support on getting support. They have no phone numbers anyplace. I guess that’s one way to avoid having to talk to those bothersome customers.

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I have reported it and I will patiently wait until some one does something. Thanks for the reply, at least I know its a bug.

I emailed the tech support and they said this fade problem was suppose to be fixed in v4.01 but some how slipped through. The new v4.02 will be out sortly (I don't know what unit of time "shortly" is but I'll take it). The upgrade should be free if you recently purchased v4. Hope this helps everyone and thanks everyone for the replies.

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