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Converting m4p to mp3


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I purchase music from itunes for background music for my personal use slide shows, and family videos. The slide show program requires mp3 format for the audio. Some music from itunes comes in m4a format and this converts with Switch, but some music comes in m4p format which does not. Any suggestions on using all itunes music in my slide shows. Thanks for some help. jojojo

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I have been trying to do this myself. Some of my purchased iTunes files convert because they are ACC files. The m4p files are protected. So they (music companies etc..) don't want you to copy them or convert them! However if you like me have legitimately bought the music why can't we convert to another format to use on other devices that we own. It's all a money spinning event! iTunes should give us the option to choose what format we want since there do seem to be ways around converting m4p files - as yet I have not been successful myself - You Tube has some video clips on this. I also would like a simple explanation as to how this can be done.

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