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Saved files are empty on Mac!!!


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Today I downloaded WavePad on my Mac with OS 10.4.11. Everything was going great--we were editing files and flying through, very happy with it. Then I saved the files and opened them again to find them all completely empty. When I saved them as projects, it would show up on my menu (in gray) but I could not open the files.


Any insights or experience with this problem?




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I am having the same problem on OSX 4.11. I am getting an empty file after making all my edits. Also no other Saved formats except WAVE is offered.


This looks like it could end up a good editing program with these problems fixed.

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Since I actually need a software that SAVES files, I bought Sound Studio yesterday and LOVE it! It is even easier to use than Wavepad, but more importantly--it saves files without emptying them!!!


Yeah, I too own Sound Studio and it is good. As is Audacity which is a free multi-track mixer/editor. However, I checked out Wavepad because I use NCHs Switch as my sound-type converter. From what I gather, Wavepad was created for Windows/PC environment and is venturing into Mac OSX with this release. But this is clearly beta level and it needs immediate updating.


If this is a Leopard only app (since I noticed you are using Tiger, dogjuggler, as am I) then it must be made clear. We haven't had any NCH admin response since you posted a few days ago. Is anyone checking into this?

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I did a further search in this forum as to why we can't Save a file without it being blank and unplayable. Turns out, this has been discussed before by other Mac users:


You have to "MANUALLY" type ".mp3, or .AIF, or .WAV" into the file name as you are saving it. Once the file extension is added, then it Saves correctly and it brings up the options for that particular file type. This is so not Mac-like but it does work. I've now saved several files in different formats and they all play.


I highly suggest to the NCH team to add this VERY important piece to the Help menu under Create, Open, Save and Send audio files


Here is the original thread for the solution:




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Yes this is something we know about.

Just a reminder that if you have purchased a license, report something as a bug/suggestion and it gets implemented you get a free upgrade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had the same problem. I actually recorded a very important file using WavePad, about an hour long, and I fear I've lost the whole thing. I understand how to solve the problem in the future, more or less, but is there anything at all I can do about the file I've already made? It's 717 MB; there has to be some information there somewhere, but I can't get it to open correctly in any program, including WavePad. Most give me error messages. I really would appreciate it if you know a way I can save my file.

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