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Can't load any files in any format


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I'm trying to use Express Scribe for the first time. My audio files are in .wav, .aiff and .mp3 format, but Express Scribe won't recognize any of them when I try to load them (I go to Load, then select the folder that contains my files, but all of my files are greyed out).


Any suggestions for accessing these files?


FWIW, I'm on a Mac, running OS 10.4.11. I have Express Scribe 4.26. I originally digitized the audio through Garage Band, which created .band files (which are actually a packet of .aiff files). I converted them to .mp3s (which, in Garage Band, means exporting them to Itunes). From the .mp3s, I used Switch to convert them to .wav files. Again, Express Scribe isn't recognizing any of these files.


Thanks so much.

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I think I figured it out by reading posts in the Mac-specific forum. Seems you need to select entire folders for loading, then select specific files. Note to NCH folks--this might be helpful information to include in the manual and help viewer!


Thanks to all.

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