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Comparison of version 3.12 to 2.10


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There are a few things about version 3.12 that I consider "un-improvments" from 2.10.


In the "Select Specified Time" dialog box, I used to be able to press ALT-V to preview. Now, if I press ALT-V for the first preview, I get an error sound. I have to click the Preview button for the first preview, then I can press ALT-V for all subsequent previews.


In 2.10, when loading a CD, WavePad would go to FreeDB and find the track titles. Then these titles would appear in the buttons at the bottom of the screen. 3.12 still finds the track titles from FreeDB, but the buttons just show "Untitled 1", "Untitled 2", etc. And if you go past "Untitled 19", instead of going on to 20, it goes back to 1. THEN, when I finish editing Untitled 1 and close the file, the first TWO buttons will say Untitled 2, and all the other buttons get renumbered in a very odd way. For example, the project I'm working on while I'm writing this has 14 tracks. I've finished editing the first 4. Now the numbering of the buttons that started as Untitled 1 thru 14, are now 5, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


There are also two minor annoyances:

1 Save As: I used to press ALT-F then A for Save As. Now I have to press ALT, then F, then A.

2 Each time I save a file with Save As, the file menu adds a blank line between Register Masters Edition... and the most recent file names list, so it keeps getting longer and longer.


I do see improvement in the quality of the Speed Change and Pitch Change. I'm glad about that.

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