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Posts posted by RobbieRobski

  1. I'm evaluating express accounts as a means of replacing quickbook because they disable webconnect on old versions and are switching to subscription only.

    I've created a credit card with a starting I didn't realize I had to manually enter this as a negative amount at first.
    I proceeded to reconcile the account but I just don't know what I'm supposed to do from here.
    In QB you would set the statement balance and then proceed to mark transaction for the period until it zeroes out.

    On this screen, when I "load a bank statement" and choose my csv file, it shows 23 transactions, and then it shows a new statement balance of $200
    https://prnt.sc/5v9lvIUcQWG4 See attached screenshot

    I just reconciled these same 23 transactions in qb. When I look at the pdf statement I see all 23 transactions. 21 charges 2 payments.

    What do I do here?? If I try to copy the way I do it in quickbooks and set the new statement balance to what my statement says it's out of balance

    I see the checkbox on the left but I cannot check those... is this just an unspoken limitation of the downloaded software? Would be nice to demo in full, even if it's only for a couple of days.

    Please help. Intuit is crap and I am looking for something to switch to






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