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Vals Sweet Kitchen

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Posts posted by Vals Sweet Kitchen

  1. I just downloaded the newest version and it keeps crashing. It crashes when I simply open a project and the clips are downloading. With this version, my clips are taking a lot longer to download and effects take a long time to process through the clip. It's making editing painstakingly slow. Should I download the version before this one when there was no problem?

     I use green screen and usually only have three-four video tracks going. 

  2. I downloaded the latest version. I can only export the first few seconds of the video and then it stops exporting like it thinks there's nothing more to export. Is this a bug?

    The first two clips are regular clips in 4k. Then transition to a 1 minute video I made separately and added in. I've exported projects like this before and now it won't. Any ideas?


    So I discovered that the green line on top of each clip was there. It downloaded when I selected each clip on the timeline. Odd thing, but I was able to export it to a video file. Played the file and it's good.

  3. Here is a link showing the same clip using my HD phone and my Sony ZV DSLR. https://youtu.be/UkL9-UvsuiI

    This clip shows the same shot: 10 sec from my HD phone and then the same from my Sony ZV. My phone has more detail and shows the color difference better. On my Sony, I tried different f stops but that didn't add the detail. How do I get rid of these hot spots in VideoPad?

    I tried the color balance effect to only change midtones and highlights, but the phone clip still is better.

    Also tried playing with exposure too.


  4. Changed it to CPU only and downloaded the latest release. I just did a test. I have a green screen clip that when I scale it, the entire clip goes grey and doesn't show in the sequence preview. I need to be able to do multiple effects to one clip.

    I went out and bought a bigger desktop with the latest NVDIA, processor and lots of space. It'll arrive tomorrow. It was taking FOREVER for the clips to update and made editing a big pain anyway.

  5. I uploaded my video last night and it was viewing fine. Now, I want to edit something. I opened my project and some of the clips are blacked out. And If I attempt to change an effect on others, they black out or disappear. This happens on the video track 1 and 2. There are only two tracks.

    This just started happening when I went from shooting HD to 4k with a new DSLR. Everything is bogged down. Do I just need a faster processor? I have a 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz   2.80 GHz

  6. I have the latest version installed and have a problem with Picture in Picture effect and scale effect. They both worked in the past but now stopped.

    Main video is on track 1 with insert on track2. I can add effects like zoom and crop with no problems.  When I try pip, the inserted video screen goes gray and doesn't show on the preview screen. It's like it just disappears.

    Any thoughts?

  7. No, I don't move any files and they're all in the same spot. This is how I create my video:

    1. Open Videopad and new project

    2. connect phone to computer. Pop upscreen asks to add files.

    3. Select files to add to the project and download.

    4. Save project with new name like Apple Pie

    5. Work on project and save whenever I'm going to take a break. Save as Apple Pie 1, work on a little more, take a break, save as Apple Pie 2. I've also disconnected my phone during this time.

    6. If I reopen later on, all the files need to be reconnected/resolved. If I export to a video, then I need to reconnect the files.

  8. If I close a project and leave it for a few days, VideoPad will lose the files. When I open the project, I have to relink all the files -- one by one. I've tried saving the project to a different name, but then both the first vpj and the second lose the files. How Can I prevent this?

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