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  1. bynoe

    4K edition

    Greetings to the community. Excuse my English is from Google. Let's see if someone can help me. I expose my problem: I have the latest version of the program, the problem arises when creating the final file in 4K, after a few minutes it gives me an error, it says that I do not have enough memory, my question is: How much memory do you need in 4K? I have 16gb is not enough? Thank you. All the best. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Un saludo a la comunidad. Disculpen mi Ingles es de Google. a ver si alguein me puede ayudar. Expongo mi problema: Tengo la ultima version del programa, el problema surge al crear el archivo final en 4K, a los pocos minutos me da un error , dice que no dispongo de memoria suficiente, mi pregunta es: Cuanta memoria necesita en 4K? dispongo de 16gb no son suficientes? Gracias. Un saludo.
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