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Jeff Jewett

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Posts posted by Jeff Jewett

  1. Built slideshow 250kb. Saved multiple time during build to a main folder and a backup folder, Used save as in tool bar. Saved to  original and back up file folders each time saved. Opens and works multiple times during build from either folder location. Randomly when opening from the one of the file folders photo stage will open and go to resolve missing files, I hit resolve then browse to folder location and the folder/file does not exist. Close photo stage go to open backup file folder and  photo stage does the same thing in backup folder. Close Photo stage and go to file location in C drive and folders exists, check properties and show 250kb. I have rebuild this slide show from scratch 4 times saving under different names. I have tried going back to old folders but not there. I deleted all old folders built new folder under new name and after awhile issues continues.

    p.s.  I am getting faster at building the slideshows LOL

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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