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Posts posted by brett360

  1. hi , recenntly downloaded free version of mixpad. SO everything ive read it talks about purchadsing it amd getting a code??? mI got no code?Im running my guitar through a Line 6 UX2. Another question, is there amps im supp0osed to be seeing and usinfg? becaseu i have no idea what my guitar ihas axxess too inside mix pad or do i need to download a kit ot pack of amps? Anyhow, ive connected my guirtar, do i use thE AMPOS INSIDE MY LINE 6 POD FARM WHICH I USE WITH MY UX2 daw? i USED THIS acoustica mixcraft 7 and vaguely remember haviong to do an odd step in order for my guitar to work amd be recognoized by mixpad.. I tell ya, you get whaart you pay for couodnt be cloaser to the truth, cuz i opaid nothing. It never asked for payment. SO ii will giove it a day, if no one can help....adios mixpad. What happemed to mixcraft 7? i was under the impression that is wjat i was downloading, at least thsat is whatri was led to believe.


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