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Posts posted by JIMMY555

  1. On 9/8/2021 at 5:19 AM, Paul Duah said:

    I'm working on a 5 minute song with about 15 audio tracks, using plugins for reverb, compression, gating, distortion, echo and others

    After adding the 12th track I started experiencing freezes and latency error messages

    I'm told by the software to increase the buffer size. I've gone to the maximum of 1024 and back... freezing and error message keep coming

    I'm using a I7 PC with 12GB RAM

    What could be wrong... what do I do? 

    hey paul where do i find to turn buffer up

  2. I'm a newborn,so put a few tracks down.buffer,latiency problem,cant find where to make it larger and cant workout how to mute individual clips.i understand the track muting .regards Mark.

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