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Posts posted by JKL

  1. VP Vers. 8.90 & 10.79

    I have found many EXPORT issues are solved by rebooting after editing, then reopen and export first thing.

    I will generally produce multiple sequences in edit then reboot to export.

    Time consuming but seems to be effective in solving export video which stops playing but the position and or sound continues as well as some black screen issues.

    Most recently pan and zoom on clips would move video across the screen in export mp4. Rebooted and exported again worked for that as well.


  2. Yes. I got that. But you don’t actually have to click on the red stem, you can click anywhere in the area for new tracks, audio or video, and drag. The cursor will turn into a double arrow when you start to drag. I use this less precise way to grab and export 20 or 30 seconds of video then burn to a reusable DVD and then can check colors sound resolution etc. on a television and DVD player quickly.

    Of course using the transport buttons along with shift or not, allows for selecting certain clips more precisely.  
    Where you click will be the one edge of blue and were you stop dragging will be the edge With the position indicator, or stem no matter if you drag left to right or tight to left. 
    if you select a blue area with multiple tracks the export will play just like the sequence will with the overlaying track showing. This will occur even if the overlying track is collapsed. 
    If the track is hidden, a red X on the eyeball to the far left, then the next tracks down are exported only.

    I use this more precise way to export clips or partial sequences for use in other projects or as a small short standalone video, trailer if you will.

    Selecting certain clips only for export could be expedited by having an export option when you right click after selecting a clip or clips. Just a suggestion for the developers.

    These things on MacBook Pro. 

  3. Mac Book Pro 13", macOS Big Sur up to date.

    VP 10.79

    There is no audio for any projects, previous or new.

    As well the volume control which was located at the bottom is no longer available.

    Not liking the new layout. Controls come and go with resizing windows. No dual preview option now.

    Where can I download previous versions for mac?

    Is there a version update page showing the changes made to each version?


    In a previous version 8.9, I had the audio turned all the way down. Running 10.79 it was still down, with no control to adjust. I ran 8.9, raised the volume, then ran 10.79 to now have audio.

    Is there a way to load various versions, each with their own setting in the OS so the preferences from the previous version is not loaded?

  4. My Mac does not do that when dragging a clip to the bin. Only get the three green 'recycle' arrows in a circle. The same if I hold command, alt or control.

    I can right click on a clip after selecting it and copy, but no option to paste in the bin.

    Those option are not yet available on Mac I suppose.

    Have you ever seen the green recycle icon?

    Selecting a blue area almost works the same with the exception, for me,  the blue does not show until you release the shift button, selection a small region of a clip or multiple clips. But does still do the job.


    Is there a reason the dual preview option is not available now? The check box is there but grayed out.

    I am not a big fan of the new default layout either. Almost  impossible to have a window undocked for use with the controls now being to the side of the preview. I make it so i have to undock all three, bin, clip and sequence windows to use them side by side.

  5. Yes. Zooming in the timeline, I do see it does attach to the clip edge, but no indicator of that given like when moving a clip.

    If I drag a clip to the bin, I get a green 3 arrow "recycle' icon and no clip is saved. I figure this is because it is the same clip just with different start/end points. But I am not able to save it as a new clip in that way.


  6. This is one way I solved how to save created clips for other projects.

    It would be great to be able and select a clip on the time line with a click and the right click menu give an option to save that to the bin or to export.

    Also when selecting a blue area, if it could 'auto set' to the clips edge on ending the selection would be nice. Perhaps with the use of the alt key to have that option.

    In looking farther, I found I can set the indicator in the sequence preview window with the 'goto previous clip edge' button, hold shift and click to 'goto next clip edge' and it will create a blue area for that clip precisely. You can click multiple times to select multiple clips, but the blue does not show up until you release the shift key.

    The same cannot be said for the 'next frame' button however.

    Perhaps in future versions. I have suggested that at the suggestion page.


  7. mac OS, VP 10.79

    If I drag the position indicator arrow at the top of the timeline it only moves the indicator. If I swipe, or click and drag, on clips within the actual timeline I am then moving clips.

    If I drag it in the new track regions, video or audio, it creates the blue section.

    Actually, no matter where the position indicator is, just clicking and dragging in one of those new track areas creates the blue area with the position indicator automatically setting itself at the end of the blue region.

    I have confirmed the exported video is the blue area.

    Perhaps this is a bug or a change in VP 10.xx.

  8. Sorry, I do not use those services or any similar pubic FTP(cloud) services.

    In person, Encrypted mail or CD/DVD is how I would do this. It may seem slow and out of date to you, but it is much more private and secure.

    Surely this font/menu issue is not unique to me or my setup given not a singe other program I use has this issue or cannot be corrected by settings, which of course I have tried.

    Thanks anyway.


  9. Mac Book Pro 13", macOS Big Sur up to date.

    Using digital monitor port with second monitor as separate desktops.

    Placing VP entirely on monitor makes the menu text too large.

    The preview windows have overlapping data.

    The monitor setting are set to scale, but at all settings, the menu issue is the same.

    Also, if using undocked windows on both monitor and laptop, if I minimize a window on the laptop it will not reappear unless moving the entire program back to laptop.

    I do not have these issues with other programs.



  10. Figure this:

    I created a file, .wav, saved it, closed out the app.

    I reopened WavePad, and that file would not load.

    I tested again, this time saving it as .mp3.

    I closed out the app, reopened it then it loaded that .mp3. It played as well as the .wav file created and saved.

    It then would open my other audio files and all types.

    Without going to the logs all I can figure is it was not registering the filetypes correctly at install.

    Remember this is a Mac Os and App not from the store. Sometime it can be unfriendly at first.

    Will work with it this eve for use in VideoPad.

    Again, thanks for the help.


  11. Been there done that, for Mac though. And yeppers, everything is up to date with Mac OS 11.4. WavePad 13.09 direct from NCH DL site.

    And with virus protection turned off as well.

    Nothing but "Error opening the file," and then "Error loading file."

    m4a, 3ga, wav, mp3...self created voice and music, commercial sounds and music, all the same.

    Even when opening by choosing specific file types in drop down.

    Audacity, Quick Time and VLC has no issues with them.

    Thanks though.



  12. Cool. 
    I have used several free versions then personal and now have the pro. No complaints only observations. I have never been one for monthly subscriptions. I prefer to ‘own’.

    I have used the copy and paste method. But had not considered dragging already created clips to the bin. If that does not add the (1) to each would be good to save the individual created clips for future use/ sequences.

    You guys have great support and response in the forums. Keep up the good work.


  13. Great information.

    This is basically how I do it now with a few exceptions. Of course each project is different in need and style and that is why I look for other ways to do these things.

    I unlink sound and save as a stand alone file and create clips through all tracks for an edit on any track. It does create a lot of clips on the timeline but does not make a difference in finished film. I don't group the tracks either. The cuts for all tracks allows me to create several different sequences easily. I can see where it would not be necessary with the orchestra content as I am sure you are highlighting the instrument sections as they sound forward during a piece.

    I found when clips are on different tracks the transitions only show on the track they are applied depending on which track, therefore, since each cut is on each track, it is easy to move them all to another track by selecting all clips on a track and dragging them to the 'Master Track', being the final track holding all clips. Then I dd the details like captions, titles and transitions.

    Then audio can be added. Sometimes, depending on the project, you may want the full audio from start to end, such as in your orchestra, but other projects only require the audio associated with the clips.  I do try and make a digital audio recording of the room(s) or area(s) and can use that to fill in when and where needed.

    I make any color or aspect corrections before creating clips and sometimes may have to zoom or scale the entire clip to remove unwanted edge views that are on the entire reel(file).

    Auto save would be a great new feature for sure, especially if it was creating incremental save filenames. The same for when using clip preview and spiting there. The naming ads a '(1)' to each new clip. When I have 24 or 50 clips from a reel(file) the naming is rather long having many successive "(1)' after the name rather than creating a file with 'Clip Name 1', 'Clip Name 2', 'Clip Name 3' instead of 'Clip Name (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)'.

    I think I will try the split screen editing as mentioned by borate. Sometimes I can get lost in what I want creativity wise with all the switching back and forth and saving in between. As borate said it would help in visualization in the moment.

    Another suggestion, is and auto-clip feature or scene maker so to speak. A script for the software to make cuts quickly behind the scenes after loading based on pixel changes, lighting and subject matter. I have had this in software many moons ago, but memory fails as to which it was. It may have been Windows Movie Maker.

    I cannot complain about the features lacking because the pricing is very good for the features and functionality had. Being new to this software I am not sure of the updates or what constitutes a new version in their development. I did read 6 months is the duration of the 'Update License" so to speak. Other software seems to go for a year, but again the pricing point is very good. I would most likely not renew until there was major new features.

    I use a ham radio software which separates features from fixes, thus allowing any regged user to get fixes but not features after their 1 year from purchase updates. 

    Again, thanks to both for the advice and happy filmmaking.


  14. New guy creating a film with 3 camera angles each on their own track.

    Editing in the timeline for now, watching each reel and splitting and cutting. As long as no clips overlap the angles preview properly all but transitions.

    As 6 or 7 clips are edited I have tried moving them to a new track on top, to be the semi finished version, or have moved them to one of the existing tracks, generally the top layer. Then I can set transitions and other editing fine details which show in the sequence preview window as the finished film might.

    I am wondering is this is common and would love to hear how others work their multi camera angle film editing.


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