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Posts posted by JimUK

  1. I have found the problem it is a software issue, the software does not recognize the apostrophe (') if the title has an apostrophe in it, it will not display art work or artist name, to work around this problem you must remove all apostrophe's from the title then it will display all art work etc. but as stated at the beginning this is a software issue. 

  2. Hi can anyone help by telling me what I am doing wrong. To start I went out and bought a new USB key (scanDisk) Tagged all my music with Artist name and track name and added art work. On my PC all plays fine, When I plug the key in my car it plays the tracks but only shows track name No Artist name and no art work. I did not include Album name or track number or any other info, trying to keep the screen from showing to much info. Hope someone has a answer for me thanks in advance.

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