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Posts posted by Zouille

  1. Thank you ! 😁  I have sent the suggestion.

    New problem : When i download the 8.x Series that you send me, It asks me if I want to install the 8.xx version but just after (when I have to accept the term), it's automatically set to the version 10.3X.

    I tried to install it with my ethernet disabled (so that it doesn't automatically put me on the latest version) but it doesn't change anything.  Do you have another version of this series that I can test?

    (I download the French Version of the installer.)  It works with the english version.

    Thank you again.

  2. Hi !

    Since I have VideoPad, I have always been able to change the shortcut keys.

    For example, putting the transition effect on my "a" key between two vids, or "tab" to open FX on a selected vids and put a specific effect.

    In the last version of VideoPad, I can't find where I can change those shortcuts.

    Thanks for your help.

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