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Posts posted by cScott

  1. I am currently trying out VideoPad as an alternative to the outdated and no-longer-supported Windows Movie Maker.

    So far, almost everything has been better and easier than Movie Maker, except for one thing that I can't seem to figure out.

    One thing I do a LOT in Movie Maker is have text that I've pasted from a Word document scroll up the screen, while it is being read aloud. The problem is that when I paste the text into the VideoPad text box, it is a single line that extends outside the boundaries of the text box.

    In Movie Maker, I could paste text into a text box and have it wrap within the size of the box on the video, but if there's a way to do this in VideoPad, I can't find it.

    The only solution I could figure out was to manually insert line breaks throughout the entire text. Not only is this incredibly time-consuming, but it also has to be re-done any time I change the font size.

    This appears to be the only issue that would prevent me from purchasing VideoPad, but unfortunately, it's a deal-breaker, because it's way too difficult to have to do (and re-do) it manually ever time.

    Suggestion: [1] Allow the user to resize the text box on the video field. It can currently be moved, but not sized. [2] Have a Wrap Text checkbox that will determine whether or not the text will be wrapped within the text box.

    The addition of these two small features would make VideoPad a more than worthy replacement for Movie Maker!

    C. Scott Davis


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