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Posts posted by LupusGelos

  1. ok, So ive re-added the files back into the video tab on the left hand side via clicking "add files" and added them from my various folders, where before there was just the one gif of homer bush. I then went and saved the project as a typical Videopad file VPJ and gave it a different name. I also went and cleared the cache of 357mb of stuff. I dont know what you mean by project file AS? So far the video files are all still unchanged though despite all of that.

    After hovering over some of the greyed out files on the timeline, i noticed that its only recognising them as audio files. So i selected "restore linked video files", where Videopad promptly crashed. Repeated attempts have also resulted in crashes. SO it seems that the former mp4 files are now only thinking they are audio files, although still being located on the video timeline and not the audio timeline. As in, when i select these files, it has mp4 in the names, but it says "file type: Audio". Meanwhile if i pick up one of the files from the far left tab and dump them anywhere on the timeline, it appears just fine, despite an edited version of the very same file now having these issues.

    As for the narration quality, its because i sped up the speed of the audio file, and i lack the knowledge to fix the resultant echo effect from it. The video past the 3 minute ish mark has nothing on it as its not yet finished.

    Additional Edit: I went to one of the greyed out videos that still has its original audio on the audio timeline. I deleted the greyed out videofile, then clicked on its original audio file below it, and selected "restore linked file", which promptly made the video reappear. Not sure if i can go ahead and do this with all of them, because doing so would probably restore them but without all of my edits, and at the same time most of them dont have any linked audio files at all so its not 100% possible. Just throwing out whatever info i can to help narrow it down for you folks in the know.

  2. Ok, so i believe i have done what you have asked and got a sharable link to the folder. It has 91 files in it, if thats normal....?

    The mp4 files were all almost exclusively extracted from youtube via using a 3rd party site, which has always been a lil dodgy full of spam and the like, but its always gotten me what i need, so just bear that in mind. 

    So the audio for everything works. Theres the background music, my commentary, and a handful of audio effects. The problem is that ALL of the mp4 files are no longer visible, yet they are ALL playing audio, despite 90% of them either being muted or having half of their runtime muted. Its as if all of their edits were removed and it no longer seems able to recognise them as mp4 files. Oh yeah and the video itself is a lil weird so thanks for working around that 😅


  3. Thank you for your responses so far 🙂. A few things just to clarify:

    I've been using Videopad for years since i was a clueless kid in my late teens, as the first ever "proper" editor that i ever bought. The vast amount of my technical knowledge comes from clueless trial and error, so a lot of the keywords that folks will offer me tend to end up as technical mumbo-jumbo in my mind! 😅

    Having looked a little closer at the project, i can explain some more of the core details:

    All of the image files in the video are untouched and working as intended, with all their edits intact. The MP4 files howether are all blank on the timeline. When i click play on the project, they produce their original sounds, even though they were all edited to be muted (amongst other edits). The view screen is black whenever an edited mp4 snippet is supposed to be playing. When i click on these semi-visible files on the timeline and select "effects" to check on the edits, i find out that its only offering edits for audio, with the entire range of visual edits no longer being present, as if it was solely an audio file i had selected and not a video file.

    Also, i dont know if its connected in anyway, but i recently went into my recycle folder and deleted a ton of autosaves from videopad that were chucked in there in order to free up some space on my computer. When i went back onto videopad afterwards, it asked me to resolve 3 allegedly missing files i had deleted from the project. TRhese 3 files were stored with the others on the far left tab but never actually used, so i just clicked continue. Like i said after that one of the audio files went funny, i click off and return next day, and now its all solely the mp4 files.

    So sorry again for this overload of issues, when i first bought the product i didn't have any social media of any kind (other then youtube) despite my modern teen years. I think i'll first start with just getting this project back up and running and then later on go through the other historical problems one by one? Thanks again.


  4. So ive had videopad for years now, and its been an absolute struggle all throughout. Im unable to make any kind of videos longer then a few minutes because once i do, i can no longer see any of my edits or view the clips until its been exported. Not only that but most of the time the video cant be exported in a certain quality because the editor cant actually do it, and leaves it 90% blank... BUT thats not even the problem im here for:

    So ive been working on yet another video for days and days and days. Then all of a sudden part way through editing, the audio files go silent, with its wave form image just being a big set of bars. So i quit for 2 days as this happens all the time. I come back, and the audios back to normal, but now all of the video files are invisible, all of their effects aren't working (with muted videos now making sound again despite being invisible both on the screen and on the chart, can still be dragged though) and when it comes to exporting it it'll show the exact same thing.

    Im on an older version, 6.10 i believe. I've tried to update it in the past but it appears to be.......dodgy? I mean in my previous projects ive had it "crash" whilst nothing was wrong, where a sign would conveniently pop up telling me theres this brand new update available that could "fix" it. So i click on it, it installs the newer version and at the same time deletes the old version. It then tells me to pay full $80 price again in order to use a newer version (the only editing company on planet earth that seems to be doing this), forcing me to re-download the older version, and also scrubbed my projects too so that was just fab!

    SO, i just want help fixing this last ever project i do on videopad. I really REALLY just want to get this one done, its of a large importance to my channel and it was almost completed as it was. Ive had to abandone so many over the years due to bugs like this but i just want THIS ONE at the very least to pull through. TY


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