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Posts posted by trek4of9

  1. I tried with 3 different brand new disks. Not working. However, when I switched to the "using Windows Media Player to burn" the data it worked fine. I haven't made any modifications to my configuration. It worked one day and then not the next. It still won't burn from with the program but will burn if I choose to use Windows Media Player, which is fine I guess.

  2. I was able to burn a cd when I first downloaded the software. It worked very fast and the size of the first burn was 675mb. Now, a week later, I go to burn 125mb with the same brand of disks (Maxell) and it gets about 60 percent done with finalizing the disk and fails with the error "Burn has failed. Reason: Error writing to disk". When I look at the disk, it burned about 10mb successfully (I can open and view those files ok from the disk) but the rest look corrupt. The files are loose, not in a folder. The files I'm tring to burn today have long file names but no spaces or odd characters, just like the last one that worked fine. Any idea what's going on here? Thanks!

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