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  1. Thank you. I was able to get it done.
  2. I have a video where I have a section that displays a stopwatch. The segment is pretty long, around 20 seconds. I would like to speed up the middle portion, say from when the stopwatch is at 2 sec to 18 sec. The problem is when I create the splits, the stopwatch effectively splits into three distinct timers, each starting back at 00:00:00. What I want to happen is that the stopwatch displays and counts from 0:00:00.000 to roughly 0:00:02.000 in normal speed, then play 0:00:02.00 to 0:00:18.00 at 4x with the stopwatch numbers also playing at the fast speed keeping the timing sequence, then at 0:00:18.00 to 0:00:20.00 back at 1x. I tried adjusting the three stopwatches with different starting values but that did not seem to work. It kept the same starting value for all three timers.
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