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Posts posted by rscharf

  1. I'm putting together a memorial video utilizing 77 jpegs to be timed to play within a 90 second piece of music. I want every picture to have the same duration (1.2 seconds). I've tried Transitions and speed of clips, but they don't change all the images (even when "selecting all). I'm not finding anything else that'll change the duration. Thanks in advance!

  2. I'm doing a 30-60 minute video podcast with image title cards at the front and end of the program. When exporting to MPEG-4, the export happens rather quickly but instead of the image cards that were placed in the sequence, the video only shows a green screen at the front and rear where the images should be. The audio and the rest of the video was exported correctly. This incorrect file is a manageable 349MB.

    The only fix I've found for this is to reload the original converted video file, lay it back into the sequence and export again. It works when the conversion goes  v e r y  s l o w. But the same video file that's now correct with the images in place is 5.73GB (HUGE)! It works, but why should 45 seconds of images being added to the video file take up so much more room than the incorrect file without the images? Why is this happening at all? What should I be doing so that all tracks in a sequence are getting exported.
    Thanks in advance!

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