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Posts posted by ffmusik

  1. Hello all,


    I'm just starting with VoIP telephones here. I am living up in the mountain of the Black Forest in Germany, no mobile phone net works here, only bad ISDN connections and off course no DSL ... until now we got a two way satellite DSL, that is quite a new technique in Germany, and it works fine.


    I am working on MacOS 10.4.9 on a Mac mini. I tried to get an VoIP account, Skype doesn't work properly, but I got one from SIPGATE for free. I managed to get the X-Lite Software working and also SJphone, but I was not happy with either of them. Now I came across ExpressTalk, liked the way it looks like, but I can't get it to work. I have the following information about:

    Domain/Realm: sipgate.de

    SIP Proxy: sipgate.de

    Outbound Proxy: sipgate.de

    STUN-Server: stun.sipgate.net

    STUN-Port: 10000

    SIP-Port: 5060

    RTP-Port: 5004

    Username: *******

    Authorisation User: *******

    SIP-Password: ******


    I tried to put it in the preferences where I thought they should go, but still it tries to work, but it doesnt finalze any call. Also the programme doen‘t accept, that I am using a USB-headset, whatever I try, it still uses the in built speaker. WHAT CAN I DO?


    I need simple information! Please!



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