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Milla Zilla

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Posts posted by Milla Zilla

  1. I was about down with a 2 min video/ sequence. I wanted to save it, then copy it and do something different with the copy. When I tried to copy it, a window popped up saying I had to upgrade my purchase, which doesn't make any sense since I already upgraded a long time ago. I saw an option to "restore purchase" when I clicked it, it said it was restored (dunno if they charged me an extra 100$ bucks, ill have to check ) but then when I tried to go back to my sequence it was gone and I can't find it any where. I had been saving it. When I close out of it and reopen the program it asks me if Id like to re open the sequence I was working on, but when I click it allll my clips and everything I had been working on vanished. Super heart breaking as this was my first time editing and it took me days of going thru hours of footage. </3

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