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Posts posted by sleeper

  1. :huh:


    Hi guys, first post, so sorry if this issue has been dealt with in an earlier thread but i had a look through and couldn't find anything relevant. Basically whats happening is i drop my files in, set everything up, destination folder, output format etc. and when i click on convert the programme just shuts down. Does this everytime regardless of how many files or where I'm sending the files to. This is driving me nuts! Am a recent Mac switcher (4 days to be precise :)) so I'm probably over-looking something very obvious. Any help would be much appreciated.


    As a p.s. I'm not usually connected to the internet while trying to convert files, is that a necessity?


    Cheers if anyone can help, and thanks Switch, great programme which I'm sure will be of great benefit once I get this little issue sorted.


    sleeper :)

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