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Posts posted by bobtarrel

  1. Thank you.  Expanding horizontally did give me the icons.  So I will be able to continue building my video.

    But, I've never encountered such small images in Video Track 1 before.  Perhaps there's a glich caused by Windows 11.

    Might it be wise to remove and reinstall Videopad???

  2. How to increase the height of only the Video Track 1?  I have a title screen in Video Track 2 and audio in the audio track, neither of which need to be increased in size.  However the images in Video Track 1 are so small, I can't see or find the transistions or effects buttons.

  3. I tried to use it, but got only the first 0.8 seconds of each of the videos.  I followed the training video as precisely as I could (the training video uses a different version than the one I have).

    So I too am disappointed.  I would have no hesitation paying for a working program, but if the trial version doesn't work, I can't trust that the paid version will.

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