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Posts posted by Pierre281

  1. Hello,

    I have to re-encode a big file size MP4 video in order to compress file size.

    In order to have the best quality re-encoding, what is the best NCH software to use (for the re-encoding) : PRISM or VIDEOPAD ?

  2. Hello,

    On my desktop, in my browser Chrome, the video plays with no problem.

    But :

    1) On the Debut main window, the place of the video is dark (only the video place ; the elements around the video are seen inside Debut).

    2) If I capture the video with Debut, the screen capture of the video is dark.

    Have you a solution ?

  3. Hello,

    In Express Invoice, in Option / Invoice / Custom Fields, I would like to add a custom field with the year date (only the year, by example : "2023"). 

    And I would like that this field could change automatically when the year change. By example, if we are in 2023, the custom field shows "2023", then if we are in 2024, the custom field shows "2024", etc ...

    How to do this ?

  4. Hello,

    In Mixpad, I have created a clip and, inside it, I have removed a part of the clip, so now I have a blank space inside the clip. 

    1) How to remove this blank space ?

    2) Is there a setting that could connect automatically the left part of the clip with the right part of the clip, in order to remove this blank space ? Something like I can see in Wavepad by example.

  5. But the original file is always full (if I double click on the file on my desktop, it has not been overwrittened). 


    Ok, inside Wavepad,  I have "save file as" with a new file name. Then I delete a portion of the file inside wavepad and save the project. 

    Then I quit and reopen wavepad and now, if I want to see again the deleted portion, what should I do ?


  6. Hello,

    In Wavepad I have selected a portion of an audio file and deleted this portion, then I saved the project.

    Then I quit wavepad and reopened it on this audio file, but now, how to do if I want to recover the deleted portion ?

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