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Posts posted by GodGabriel2000

  1. You may of heard of me before, I have the same problem with the version Videopad v8.00. I makes the same bugs like. First, the last frame is only used but thankfully not the layers. Some scenes I put are actually wrong like for example. (1, 2, End) Is what I put in the timeline, I exported it to the highest quailty and Its likely WRONG! (2, 2, End) There's now no new version now.. You can contact the developer about the bug I explaned. So if you thankfully now founded the way to fix all of this on the right time! Notify me with a replay thanks! :) 

    Edit: 2/1/2020 a.k.a my birthday.

    Heres the project I have trouble with.


    pls help this is stressing me out..

    - GodGabriel2000

  2. Hello, so recently. I was working some videos and I have finished one, so i've exported it to 1080p 60fps. I've watched the video to see if its perfect or not. Once I get to the next shot. I've noticed the last frame was still there, and not the source I've put on there. I't was very weird discovery that VideoPad cannot do that 🤔 It also happens to some scenes which is weird... So I've tried for days and days. I've tried spiting the last frame and slowing it down, It didn't work. I've tried adding non edited effects like the mask tool, also I cleaned the cache. It still didn't work. Now were here and i'm about to loss it..  😤Can someone figure this out? I've really wan't to support my fans but not without bugs and GLITCHES! Please... its help or moving to another video editing software. 😢

    - GodGabriel2000 2019

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