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Posts posted by audze

  1. Alright, thanks folks, for checking :)


    Edit: for anyone in the future that comes across this thread and have the same problem do this:

    Everytime you need to export your file with Lagarith or MSU Lossless from an old vpf file, export it first using MJPEG Compressor (this comes with Videopad).

    This for some reason doesn't cause any subsequent attempts with lossless codec export to jam. No clue why, but it works! :)

  2. OK, this is interesting. Whatever that is causing this issue seems to be Lagarith Lossless Codec.

    A fresh install and registration of Videopad works ok.

    Issue starts to relapse when i reinstalled Lagarith Lossless Codec for avi export.


    Folks, is there a way for me to export as a lossless avi for handbrake?

    (to make it 5g IPod compatible - for IPhone/IPad compatibility for safari browsers, don't ask, pain in the rear.)

    The current Videopad setup doesn't allow me to do lossless export and kept prompting file is not suitable for that.

  3. trying to close videopad now throws an error:


    yep, same issue. If it's working fine at your end, it must be a problem on my side. no idea what is causing the whole thing tho.

    Interestingly, if i rename the source file and redo everything, it will export fine, but will freeze again at the second attempt. if you folks can help me figure this out, it would be much appreciated :)

  4. See following image for screenshot:


    ... It stalls indefinitely, videopad doesn't freeze though. If export is cancelled, everything will seem fine until you try to close videopad, of which it prompts for export cancellation confirmation (of which had already been cancelled). Oddly enough, it works fine when the video is exported the first time round. The second attempt onwards however, this problem occurs.

    Edit: to add, it won't matter if i try exporting to mp4 or any other format, the result is still the same. I am using Win10, just recently updated to the new 1903 features <--- maybe this had something to do with it, not sure. Have more than enough disk space, cache set to clear upon exit.

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