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Posts posted by lucy108

  1. So I downloaded the Home Edition of VideoPad and think it's great. However, I am editing a video currently and for some reason, as I move through the timeline editing, when I watch back there is a tiny snippet of another clip at the start of a new clip, it's super hard to explain but here is whats happening:

    So I have CLIP 1 which I put on the timeline and either split or drag to the length I want. I then add CLIP 2 next to that and do the same thing, so on the process goes of adding clips whilst splitting and dragging them to where I want them to be. So lets say I have seven clips that are chopped up pieces of one continuous piece of footage. Now at the start of CLIP 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 AND 7 is a half second snippet of CLIP 1. I have no idea why and am desperate for help!!

    Has anyone experienced this? It's an 8 minute video that has taken two days to make and is now basically useless!

    Clips at .MTS and .MOV files. Working on Windows 10. Just downloaded latest version of video pad. 

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