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Posts posted by Manariana

  1. I'll try once more on sunday and if nothing changes I'll try to share a part of it. Don't have the time now, I'm working on saturday, too.


    CPU usage is 20% while exporting (about 10% when nothing else is running) and feels like it's not doing anything at all.. 1-2% when there's no program running. I'm really confused why exporting files became so slow. It's a gaming pc with lots of power in its tower. Not the newest system, but it still runs just great.

  2. 11 hours ago, borate said:

    Some general tips...

    • Clear Unused Cache Files, under OPTIONS|DISK tab and try another export.
    • During export close all other programs
    • If an overlay clip is opaque, make sure nothing behind it.
    • Adjust In/Out point accordingly to remove invisible part of the clips.
    • Check for redundant effects. Remove them if you can.
    • Use less tracks if possible. 
    • Be sure there's amply free space on the C:\ drive
    • Cache cleared. Didn't speed up Exporting the file. I could not check the audio tracks, because it just took too long and I had to cancel export after about 4 hours at ~70% with Xvid compressor, wich is the fastest and brings the best quality without oversizing the exported file
    • On Sunday I didn't even touch the PC whilst exporting
    • There's no overlay
    • No gaps or empty parts
    • No effects
    • I always used many tracks, 'cause the Game Recording is splitted in 4GB parts, so if anything happens or crashes during recording I won't lose the whole thing.. wich means, there are about 20-30 single *.avi files with 4GB videopad has to handle. And it just did.. it did very well, but not anymore. One hour of game recording means about 40 single files with 4GB each and I'm mostly exporting 30-40 minute parts. There even had been some videos with 1,5 - 2 hours length and there was no problem.
    • There's about 170GB of free space on C:.. recently there had been less and nonetheless it just worked fine, but not anymore.

    I exported the same file with VideoPad and VegasPro for comparison. VegasPro was just done after 2 hours.. but without any sound. Somehow it didn't realize that there's audio in the video recordings. This is strange. I'll try recording the next gameplay vid in one piece without splitting it and going back to stereo audio instead of multichannel. I'll have to re-install VideoPad and clean up my registry first.. seems I just f.cked up something yesterday. On sunday I might find some time for it.

    Sorry for my bad english, I've just fallen out of my bed

  3. 26 minutes ago, borate said:

    If it has been less than six months since purchase upgrade for free.  If more time has elapsed you can still upgrade, but there is a fee to license/register. 

    Wait, what? I paid a bunch of € for this program and have to pay again for upgrading it? I am sad. Well, it says "VideoPad Professional v 7.00"

    The part of the audio track that gets "muted" during export always changes and since, I guess it's been about 2-3 weeks, it happens to all exports. Before there was no problem at all. But now It's always audio track 1 and always somewhere between the middle and the end of the whole track.

    thanks though

  4. Hello

    I'll try my best to explain myself in english.. I purchased VideoPad Professional via Steam and for some months it just worked fine (I'd like to say, it was the best Video Editor I ever used). But a few weeks ago exporting my videofile just became slow as hell for no obvious reason. Takes about 4-6 hours for exporting 30-40 Minutes and that's a problem. I don't have this much time when I come home from work in the evening.

    I do Let's Plays, so I'm mostly working with large files and 2 audio tracks. Audio track 1 is the game sound linked to the game vids and track 2 is my own voice recording. Track 2 exports just fine, but track 1 seems to got muted while exporting after about half of the lenght of the whole video file. I tried splitting the project and exporting, for example, 2x 20 minutes instead of the complete 40 minutes in one piece, but the audio problem stays. I de- and re-installed the programm and let Steam check the files for errors, tried different compression settings and checked my background processes twice, to speed export up and get my whole audio, but nothing seems to help anything. 😞

    Btw I'm using Windows 7 on my i7 @ 3.40GHz with 16GB RAM..



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