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Don Nickell

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Posts posted by Don Nickell

  1. Our software does not support M4P format files. The .m4p extension is AAC purchased from Apple's Music Store (iTune) and is protected by a Digital Rights Management scheme. Your .m4a files are not infected with DRM and hence can be converted quite fine. Switch can open files in the following formats:

    wav (PCM, ADPCM+, aLaw+, uLaw+, and others, see here) ...


    Thanks, but I know that now after the failure of my first attempt. But I also asked "what can I do now to accomplish this conversion?" I know others are doing it and I'd like to also. I'm not referring to using SWITCH to do the conversion, I heard there's a way to accomplish this with a WinXP program.


    Thanks for your help,


  2. I appreciate all the replys, but am completely confused by the comments on Flash. Does Flash really get involved with SWITCH showing that it "may not be supported". When I try the result is a big X and the statement, "the file could not be opened." Hmmm...yet when I send it to Real Player it plays.


    This is really getting to be confuzin' <_< and not very amuzin' :P

  3. This seriously sounds like it's more of an issue with Flash player. I may be able to help if that is the case but in any event it would be useful in solving your problem if you could provide samples along with which version of Flash player you are using and make sure you're using the latest version of Switch.


    Thanks for the reply, but I wonder what Flash has to do with Switch. As for samples all I could really do is to show the file name of the file that worked: Brian Freeman - Track 21.m4pa that became Brian Freeman - Track21.mp3. I can't show the other because SWITCH showed it couldn't be done; and that's the point of my question.


    As for the SWITCH version, I just installed it Tuesday, Version 1.12; I just checked and it is the latest. it is supposed to include the Advanced feature.


    Flash is V which I see is old. I'll get a later version and see what happens.

  4. Yes, I'm a newbie, and boy do I need help. I just used Switch to comvert some audio book tracks (m4a) to mp3 and it worked as hoped. I understand that audiobooks are copy protected yet converted with no problem.


    Then I tried to convert some audio that I downloaded from iTunes Store (m4p) but was unable to; "not allowed" or something of that nature. :angry:


    I don't understand the difference in protecting audiobook tracks and song tracks. When I bought I thought SWITCH would convert anything to a usable format.


    Is there any hope I didn't waste my money on SWITCH?


    If so what can I use to make the desired conversions?


    Thanks for any help on this frustration...

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