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Posts posted by Miri

  1. Hi all,

    Thanks for staying interested.  Okay - will make files available for download this weekend (really just want to get my project back to where it was and am rebuilding it from scratch atm). the original portable file I made was several gb, and i'm not sure I have enough dropbox space to upload it, so I'll have to look into ways of finding more space. So - I am working on this, it just might take a bit of time.



  2. Hi Borate,

    Sorry to bother, again. You've been so helpful and I really want to get to the bottom of this.

    I've downloaded several of the older versions of the program. The build I estimate I had gotten when I first signed up was 6.10 (as I signed up in July, that was the latest build at the time). This is also the last build where my original video file exports correctly. All other builds have sync- lag - and one fails to complete an export.

    I went ahead and tried a direct comparison - I imported the original video into the program and I took a clip from a previously successful export. I then opened this file in three versions of the program and exported to see the results. I did it in build 6.1 (the successful one), 6.29, and 7.03 (the latest). The fresh import video exports perfectly in build 6.10, but not in the others. The snippit from when I had my original program is perfect in all three. So, my solution seems to be to export the problem clips in the 6.1 build and then re-insert them into the 7.03 version of the program. Also included in the zip file is a sample of how bad the sync issue is in the 7.03 build when it was not a clean / fresh import with nothing else going on. (it is worse within the fuller project)

    Is there a way to save project files in a legacy mode, so that earlier versions of the program can open them? Because I no longer have the 'latest version' of my video saved in a format that the 6.1 build can read. I'm looking at having to redo my entire video, no matter what solution i go after. I'm hoping the clean import of videos will make a difference. As mentioned in my previous message there were lots of other issues that also happened from the upgrade which I don't think would happen if i built my video from scratch, again. I think for only slightly more effort, at this point, I can redo it rather than try and chase down some way of saving what has been done.

    If you are still interested, here is the link of clips showing the output of the different builds in a direct comparison. You can see that the lag is worse in the sample where all components of the full video were in place, than when it was a fresh import into the program. But it is still there. https://www.dropbox.com/s/88j9de0cylfzl5m/Miri-problemSamples.zip?dl=0



  3. Hi Borate,

    Again, thanks for the prompt reply!

    I am uploading some files to dropbox - with my connection it is saying it will take 26 hours.... so will ping you with a link when it is actually available to access.

    I need to ask someone to tell me where to find the exact specs for my GPU, so will just upload that all in one shot. I will be able to do that tomorrow.

    As for the download - i will do the very last one before this latest and see how that goes (and work my way backwards if I have to). I've discovered that in the latest version some of the clips are 'empty'. They don't come up in preview, and they don't come up when I export the video, but they sit on the timeline fully indicating they are there. At this point these seem to be clips that were split, so they have multiple start and end times but only one loaded 'file' to access. To fix it at the moment is a time consuming matter of going through, making duplicate copies of the original files to put in the bin and then entering the start / end points and placing them appropriately on the timeline again. So, I will see if i can get an older version working, first. I do like how fast the new version exports, though.



  4. I've done a further few tests - given that I cannot install the old version of the program. and this is what I've discovered.

    If I load the problem file into a project all its own, then exporting just that clip. the sound / visuals are fine.

    But even bringing the newly exported fixed frame clip into the main project (i.e. the clip exported in the previous step) - in a sequence all its own - and exporting it without doing any editing causes the voice and the video to separate again. 

    I am finding this very weird, and really not sure how to organize my files anymore. it just seems that the program can't handle large volume - (10 mins worth of video). Is there another explanation?



  5. Hi Borate, 

    Thank you for your reply.

    Unfortunately, the only files in the 'videopad' folder at that location are the latest install versions. I only seem to be able to reinstall the latest version (the one with the new interface).

    Is there somewhere else I can get a previous version to reinstall? I originally installed it in July 2017 (just checked my billing).



  6. Hi,

    I'm suddenly having sync issues that I did not have before and I was wondering if someone could help (i'm not super computer oriented and I'm freaking out a bit about this turn of events).

    The basic problem is that for *some* clips, the voice and video are not synced anymore. This is a new development as I have been regularly using and exporting one of the clips over the past week to check transition effects - and have had no issues. The clips that work and the clips that don't work were all taken from the same machine, and within the same setting, so I doubt there is an issue from that end.

    Here is what happened:

    I went looking for a transition effect I had used once upon a time but could no longer find. What I thought was downloading and installing a plugin turned out to be downloading and re-installing the videopad software (i'm sleep deprived - stupid error).

    Since that download, my interface has changed, so I believe this updated the software to the latest version (the one I originally had installed was installed at the end of last year). But now i"m having issues which were not there before.

    I then edited my video some more (added a clip) and now on some clips the voice is not synced with the video. Also to note, the program has crashed twice since the program got re-installed, today. And on one of the crashes it completly mangled my export freezing one frame but carrying on with the voice until the end of the video. I have wondered if the re-install lost my registered status and assumed I was using a free version (i have paid), so i tried entering that again. There doesn't seem to be a way to verify that the program acknowledges the registration as it allows me to enter it in, regardless of if I just did that. (Don't want to break any rules - this is the same computer it has always been on). But if I can't solve this before I get any help, i'll probably uninstall and reinstall again.... this is probably irrelevant, but thought i"d mention it anyway.

    Now, even when I just go to play the clip - not in a sequence but in its original form - via the program it no longer is in sync. I have tried unlinking and relinking the clip - no luck. As I mentioned before, this only happens on *some* clips - even though all clips I"m using were taken from the same machine and at the same time.

    I tried downloading ffmpeg (as suggested in other threads) in case it is a variable frame rate issue (don't really understand that) but my lack of computer mastery means I'm not actually sure how to use the ffmpeg program or even be sure it downloaded okay or installed okay. Does this also mean i'm going to have to start my compiling and editing from scratch, having to run all my original clips through a new program first?

    Any help is greatly appreciated as I'm rather overwhelmed.



  7. Hi Nationalsolo,

    Thanks for your reply. And yes, it certainly does get confusing!

    I had been using the sequence features as when you 'import clips from another project' it automatically puts it in a new sequence. As well, it doesn't show you all the work - just the 'final' version of the other file. This is why I thought it would load the final version of the other file each time it loaded the sequence in the main movie, and was surprised when it didn't! And I liked the idea of sequences rather than clips only because it lets me work on each sequence and edit them to some degree of satisfaction, without everything getting so cluttered and confusing. I was just hoping to keep the 'messy work' out of the main movie as that is pushing my computer to the max!

    That said, i then couldn't find any 'update sequence' or 'reload clip' options in the sequence bin. I was hoping my workflow would be as follows: Create projects for each scene, and save them as a project as i go along. Create one main movie project and import all my scenes as sequences. Edit the transitions between the sequences in the main movie...export when finished. Along the way, I was hoping to edit the scenes in their individual project files to refine them and make them better, as I went along. I was hoping to work this way mostly because my computer seems a bit slow. So, I was hoping that there would be a way I could keep the work I do on my scenes separate from the work I do on the flow between the scenes.

    That said, I have since studied what you had written in more detail and tried exporting my scenes as avi, and then dropping them into the movie directly. These DO update to the latest version of that avi (so if i save over the old file, the new file is visible). It's a bit cumbersome, but workable!

    Thank you so much for this information. It has been quite helpful.



  8. Hi Borate,

    Again, thank you so much for responding.

    I did not realize that the vpj format was about information on how to put the video together (along with where to find files, etc), rather than a 'here is a video but it is still editable' concept. That certainly makes sense, then, why it works this way.

    I will try exporting as an .avi and loading that as my sequence rather using the .vpj. The fact that it is not lossless anymore irks me, but that might be unimportant for what I am trying to do.

    Your explanation was very helpful. Thanks!



  9. Hi Borate,

    Thank you so much for getting back to me and clarifying.

    What i mean is I have recorded some little clips and saved them as video pad files (.vpj). Lets call it 'sequence5.vpj'. In sequence5 I do some edits, cuts, merges of a few avis, and save. I keep it in the native vpj format - no exporting. Then, in my main movie, I import sequence5 as one of the sequences on my timeline. And I save that also as a vpj, lets call it 'Movie.vpj'. I put the movie together and feel a tweak needs to happen in sequence5, such as adding an effect to one of the clips within Sequence5. So i open sequence5 and make my tweak, and save in the vpj format. When i get back to Movie, it still has the old version of sequence5, not the latest version with the new tweaks in it.

    Was that more clear?

    Is there any way to either update sequence5 in Movie automatically, or even manually? So far, I have had to delete sequence5 and then re-import it and re-add to the timeline in order for it to reflect the latest version of the imported clip.

    Any help or workaround would be great!



  10. Hi,

    I'm new to the software (and video editing in general) and have a basic question: is it possible to import clips from other videos (or just other little video pad videos) such that when you edit the clip in the original video, it updates in the new one? I'm looking to this as an external and live link, similar to how artwork might be updated in illustrator each time it is loaded? I've tried with what I could fathom, but it didn't seem to update my changes and import the clip in its latest version.

    Any help is much appreciated. As I mentioned, I'm quite new to this and so while I tried to do a search of the forum to see if this topic has been covered, i'm *so* new to video editing I'm sure I haven't been able to find the right key words or terminology to help in my search! So, even if you can just help with that, that'd be great!



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