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Posts posted by Spbrhs07

  1. I love this software and really want it to work! But... every time I try to export a video with a 2nd video track, the export stalls at the expect spot where the 2nd track ends. The software is not freezing and I can cancel the export. I need the 2nd track so that I can add pictures and an additional video of the same scene from a different angle. The full video is only about 7 minuets long, but I’ve tried it with a short 10 second video as well with the same results. I’m using a brand new computer that I just bought yesterday with Windows 10, 12gb RAM, and 1.6ghz i5. I’m using the latest version 6.2 There’s no reason this shouldn’t work. I’ve seen this on other threads but none of the suggestions help. I’ve tried exporting under different settings and file types. Please help!

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