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Posts posted by MusicEditingBear

  1. 3A7yl.png

    It's doing it again.

    Audio track 3 is set to a 1 second fade-out during a video transition of 1 second and yet it plays at full volume as if the fade isn't there.


    On 6/21/2018 at 6:20 PM, Nationalsolo said:

    On the lower independant audio tracks (i.e. not linked to higher video tracks)  and even when audio clips are on the same track and contiguous there is no X to enable an audio transition like a crossfade between them. If you want to crossfade the audio clips on these tracks then one must use individual tracks, overlap them and have fade in and fade out on the overlap.


    When I was on Windows 7 I could freely do this anywhere. Since I upgraded to Windows 10 last Christmas I find this feature does not work reliably. Sometimes it works, sometimes it won't fade. I use VideoPad for my job, I can't have a feature that doesn't work 100% of the time.


    I've attempted everything you two have suggested in this thread so my feedback to you is that there appears to be some audio fade-out issues with Windows 10. A Google search showed other users seeming to have similar issues so it doesn't appear like it's just me.


    *shurgs* I like to use VideoPad but I can't work with this.

  2. 2 hours ago, Nationalsolo said:

    However, the track labelled Voice is normally associated with the video and should be  Audio Track 1.(You labelled it Audio in the second image.) The track you have labelled Audio Track1 should be Audio Track 2 and is usually associated with Video track2 (Overlay)  etc. So the layout you show is a little confusing.but I think it's just the labels you used. ?


    Apologies. I can see what you mean. I only work with video (not images) so I guess I just lumped in audio track one as a given for being voice. Thanks for clarifying.


    2 hours ago, Nationalsolo said:

    I have duplicated as far as possible your set out.... This is how it should work.......


    Ok I replicated your layout and tested it myself:


    I set the crossfade to 6 seconds like you with 3 seconds fade (left) and that appeared to fade correctly. I tried a variation on the right with a shorter fade within a longer crossfade and that worked too.

    Thank you. I generally used the default 0.5 second crossfade so I suppose I can implement longer crossfades as it seems to be fixing the issue.

    Also looking back at my original example, I was moving music tracks outside of the 0.5 crossfade zone to allow them adequate time to fade in/out which may have also caused problems.


    Fade in/out 'has' to be used with crossfades?

    Looking back over your posts, you always say to use crossfades when fading music tracks in/out. People may want to fade music during a longer, un-cut video segment.


    Question: Does Videopad 'require' a video crossfade to enable additional (audio tracks 2, 3 and beyond) to fade in and out? Can you fade music tracks in and out at any point? Yes or no?


    During bigger editing sessions (multiple video, music files) I find this is hit-and-miss (sometimes works, sometimes doesn't). I'm trying to understand if I should add an artificial crossfade so it works 'correctly' or I should be able to do this without a crossfade.


  3. 4 hours ago, Nationalsolo said:


    Note : The normal Crossfade transition won't require any separate soundtrack fades as the transition does this.

    Under Tool/Options/media have you got the Normalise audio box ticked? Any chance of posting an image of the affected section...


    Hi Nat,


    Yes I've got the box ticked (and have tried it un-ticked too).


    Here's the affected section (both with fades added and left normal, crossed fade is 2 seconds long, tracks have 1 second fade outs (both manual and by the transition as you suggested).

    Section 1 (no fades added, relying on 2 second crossfade, 'normalise audio ticked').


    Track 2 has a jarring 'stop dead' cut-off.


    Section 1 (fades added, also using 2 second crossfade, 'normalise audio ticked').


    Track 2 has a jarring 'stop dead' cut-off.


    To be fair Nat, sometimes you may want to simply fade-in/fade-out two ambient audio tracks during a longer video segment without a jarring drop-out, we shouldn't have to split a video file and create a cross-fade as a workaround. 


    Look, I'm going to call a spade a spade here and ask why is a basic audio fade-out not working in this video software? Most people would expect this from any video editing software.

    It used to work when I ran Windows 7 and now it's not in Windows 10.


    Is there a compatibility issue the devs are aware of OR a new feature added that has impacted the ability to use audio fades?

  4. Hi Nat,


    Thanks for the image tips.


    I'll give it a try as a potential work-around. 


    To be fair, I don't always need cross-fades in the video however and putting in unnecessary video splits/fades to fade in/out audio is potentially causing more issues than it's solving.


    I am at a loss why independent music audio tracks 'fade-out' option is not working.


    Thanks for your idea however, eager to see if it works. Will update.

  5. Hi everyone,


    I do video editing for a living and I've stuck with VideoPad since it's what I know.


    Since upgrading to Windows 10 six months ago I've noticed my ability to fade audio in and out doesn't work anymore and now the audio seems to play full volume while 'fading out' and then just stops dead. This sounds extremely unprofessional and I'm not sure how to fix it.


    Here's a screenie for those visual peeps:



    As you can see from the image, I'm trying to fade out Audio track 2 (loud montage music) in to Audio track 1 (soft, background music to accompany voice). I've been doing this for years in Video Pad before upgrading to Windows 10.

    *edit* Should probably include the fade times, I've tried 1,2 & 3 second fades. None of them seem to fix the issue. My default has always been 2 seconds and that used to work great (pre-Windows 10).


    I've read a few posts about this, clear cache this, click option that but at the end of the day, simply fading a music track should work independently of what the video files are doing in the timeline.


    Please advise, share your experiences. It's hurting me to make content with such a glaring audio error in it.

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