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Posts posted by tsb

  1. Been using VideoPad since 4.x and it's always been good. But as I went from 720, to 1080, then to 4K rendering got slower. At 1080 I added a dedicated SSD drive on the mother board to act as a cache, and continued to use that until recently. Here's where I got a huge improvement. A recent hardware upgrade forced me to remove the second SSD drive and use the primary (OS) SSD drive as the cache, and rendering times went WAY down. That's contrary to what a lot of video/photo editing products say. It's a simple enough experiment if you think it might help.

  2. I am making training videos and recording my screen.  I'm using a mouse pointer enhancement program called "PointerFocus".  It shows a green ring around the mouse arrow and allows one to mark on the screen.  The problem is that Debut does not record it.  It sees everything else on the screen fine, just not the enhancements.


    This has been obsolete info for a long time. Can delete this comment.

  3. On 9/12/2017 at 11:30 AM, c_major said:
    • Shutdown programs that running in the background as much as you can.
    • Use hardware accelerated effect in Options -> Editing tab.

    I do shutdown everything even stuff like adobe update, printer driver, etc.

    My version 4.48 has no options under "Editing" other than default transition duration and external editors (I don't use them).

  4. What are the best VideoPad settings to maximize performance?  I've gotten a new 1080p camera and the video editing and processing have gotten slower.  Until I can afford new hardware (the existing hardware is still pretty good) what configuration(s) can help speed up editing and exporting? 


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