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Posts posted by chen730

  1. Most computers should have something like Windows Media Player, Real Player, Quicktime Player... that play mp3.



    I downloaded Wavepad and saved the file in a  MP3 format. I want to upload the file to my web site for my customers. What do I need to tell my customers that they need to have installed on their computers in order to listen to my audio? (Do all computers with a sound card have the ability to play a MP3 file?)

  2. Please help!


    I really need to know if wavepad is de-coding & re-coding mp3 every time it opens/saves the file. For otherwise, it seems to be the perfect choice!


    It doesn't look like wavepad is a non-destructive mp3 editor from the help document, but my ear can't tell me any difference after I edited a mp3 file and saved it for over 20 times. I know in Soundforge, a couple of times of editing/saving will give a strange noise to the mp3. Or doesn't it only mean wavepad is using a much nicer re-coding algorithm?


    Anyone knows? Thanks a ton!




    I'm trying to find out if WavePad is the thing I need.


    I need to edit some mp3 files. I want to cut, copy, paste and etc., and I need to save them maybe a lot of times (in the same setting). I'm wondering if my mp3 will recompress again and again and finally sound terrible.


  3. I'm trying to find out if WavePad is the thing I need.


    I need to edit some mp3 files. I want to cut, copy, paste and etc., and I need to save them maybe a lot of times (in the same setting). I'm wondering if my mp3 will recompress again and again and finally sound terrible.




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