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Posts posted by unit716

  1. Just an FYI for anyone else who finds this topic - that 8.45 version is actually worse than what I had before the upgrade, it didn't freeze on the video when I tested it at first it's true, but after using it for a while it turns out it freezes very often in completely different places, in projects I had previously saved in the 8.67 version that had no problems before.

    Anyway, I hope the split-screen effect eventually gets fixed in the newest version, there doesn't seem to be any other alternative.

  2. Ah, only a 0.22 difference from the 8.67 version I was using earlier but you're right, it doesn't freeze in the same places my version did.

    Thanks, I'll use this for now and keep an eye out for any updates, I'd rather be using the latest version ultimately.

  3. Obscure? Really? I figured this was a relatively basic feature, surprised no one noticed it until now, the entire effect is essentially unusable.

    Anyway, the version you linked to has the same reverse freezing issue I was trying to fix by upgrading. Kind of disappointing I shelled out for the upgrade only to end up right back where I started.

    I'll try reporting the bug, maybe it'll get fixed some time down the line. Thanks.


  4. I recently updated my old version 8.X of VideoPad to the newest version which is apparently 11.53. I did that because there was sporadic issue of split screen videos freezing when reversed. I search around for a solution, but it seemed the only option was to update the software.

    So I did, but now, after updating to the latest version, when I try to use Split Screen like I always used to it doesn't seem to work at all like it used to.

    Let's say I add the Split Screen effect to a video with the most basic Horizontal 2 layout. If I have "Crop to Region" selected, Horizontal Bias doesn't seem to work at all - I move the slider around but it does nothing in the Sequence Preview. The same goes for Scaling. I used to be able to use Split Screen on a video and then, for example, center it in that half of the screen, but now moving the sliders does nothing in the preview.

    If I change the mode to "Fit to Region", it shrinks the video to fit in that region as expected, but if I choose "Fill Region" the video disappears in the Sequence Preview entirely (!)

    Did something drastically change in how Split Screen is used in the three versions I missed? Am I doing something wrong? Or is this some kind of weird bug?

  5. First off, I want to say I love VideoPad, I used to use Premiere, but VP has everything I need for a quick edit. I bought the full version as soon as it told me to.

    However, there's one annoying detail - it seems VP adds a black screen/frame to the end of exported movies. I found an old thread about this:

    and the last post says the new version fixes this.. but I have the latest version and this still happens. I re-imported a movie I exported and the black frame is there, while it wasn't there before export. This really complicates things, is there no way to prevent it from being added automatically?


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