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Posts posted by Firsttimeuser

  1. Dear All,

    you hopefully can solve my problem:

    I am using videopad at first time, was working day&night with a wedding video and after I finished tho work with it began the export process to my hdd (fhd res, 25 fps - i captured it in canon mov file, fhd, 25 fps). It took cca one hour. I opened the exported video file but only black screen with voice. I exported mp4 and mov as well - there is a same problem.

    When i chose export to directly youtube it worked properly. But this method is not okay for me because i need to have the video file to give it to the just married couple.

    Have you met with this problem? (Once again: only black screen appears with sound. The file is huge as a fhd file in general)


    Thank you for any help or idea to fix this.

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