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Posts posted by DblValve

  1. I'm trying to create a Rich Text shortcut and cannot get it to retain the formatting. I have tried several times using XXSIG, XXSIG1, and so on.

    It has bold, italic and font size showing in the Expansion area, so I know it's a Rich Text shortcut. However, when I apply the shortcut which inserts the body portion, all I get is regular text. This is for an mail signature and I have tested it in a gmail window using Chrome and Word.

    Am I missing a setting somewhere to apply this correctly?

  2. OK, please tell me if I'm missing something here. I moved a bunch of related shortcuts to a separate group. However, if that group is not in "focus" in the editor, the expansion does not work. If I change the focus to my new group, then the default ones do not expand.

    Seems like they should all work all the time; otherwise it's kind of useless.

    Can someone confirm or advise?

  3. Is there a way to have a variable that would insert either Morning (as in Good Morning!) or afternoon depending on when the expansion was used? Right now I have 2 separate inserts for AM or PM on nearly 50 templates.

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