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Posts posted by tom_guyette

  1. I'm burning DVD's with v3.0 (just downloaded from CNet) and am getting "Burn has failed (unknown error). Please try another disk or try a lower speed."


    The burned files seem to be intact. They're AVI files and I've spot-checked each of them with WinAmp. I've turned on the verify burn function, which could be where the error is occurring. Perhaps relevant is that I have to eject the DVD and re-insert it in order to read it in Explorer. Before ejecting and re-inserting I get an "Incorrect function" error when opening the E: drive, so Express Burn may be bubbling up the same underlying API error when trying to verify. I don't know enough about ejection and injection in Windows to be able to give a solid theory, but could it be the drive status needs to be updated somehow that isn't happening until eject?


    The behavior is consistent -- at least with the two DVD's I've tried to burn so far on this new drive.


    The drive is an Optiarc DVD RW AD-7170A. To my knowledge there are no firmware or driver updates available (since Optiarc was just founded by NEC and Sony in April of last year).


    There's no easy way to attach the screenshots I originally e-mail to Craig's address (it bounced), so text will have to do for now.

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