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Lauren Greatorex

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Posts posted by Lauren Greatorex

  1. Hi,


    I stabilised some of my clips. Videopad crashed at the end. All my clips were stabilised as I have the saved files under 'videos'. However, the clips in the bin and sequence weren't replaced automatically with the stabilised video (I can tell by watching both versions - i realise the file name doesn't change in the bin).


    Is there a way of replacing the clip in the bin with the stabilised version without losing the edits I've already applied (shortening, colour adjustment, transition etc)?

  2. Hi, I'm not great with videopad so please bear with me. I have finished editing a sequence of clips together. I can hear the clip audio when I play the clip back or play audio track 1 but not on sequence playback. I used to be able to but now I can't and I'm not sure what I've done! Please help

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