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Posts posted by blitz

  1. O.K, I found the problem was due my PC having multiple network connections.


    My server has:

    (1) Local Network (i.e. tied to the ethernet card -> router->modem->WAN)

    (2) VPN (Hamachi VPN)


    In Windows ControlPanel->NetworkSettings->Advanced, the connection order is set use the local network adapter(nic) first, followed by VPN.


    Axon (same goes to Uplink) shows the following in the console:

    Axon uses the 'last bound ip' - i.e. the VPN IP. Hence my service provider (Pennytel) cannot locate me with that VPN IP. If I disable the VPN connection, then Axon uses the WAN IP and everything works. Re-enable VPN and Axon switches to using the VPN IP as the public IP.


    Why is Axon (and Uplink) using the IP from the second (last) network adapter from the list of available adapters provided by windows? Seems like a bug.


    I have a quite similar problem which I reported Monday to technical support but got no answer yet:

    My PC has 2 IP addresses on the same network card. I can see in my network traces that Axon is always using "the second IP" as the IP address. Since this second IP address is in a public range and doesn't actually belong to my network, the SIP provider never finds my Axon.


    I also think it's a bug since setting a static address in Axon doesn't help. It still uses the wrong IP Address.


    (btw: I have this weird network configuration because I have a VoIP phone which tries to connect to some pre-programed provider which I "static-route" to my Axon instead)

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