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Posts posted by Zaffer

  1. Update: I narrowed the problem down to the fact that Debut will record video and sound while logged in with an admin account, but will not record sound while logged in with a regular account. Is there some aspect of Debut that makes a call to some aspect of Windows 10 which is admin-access only? Thanks.


    It would be nice if Debut would throw an error message if it can't instantiate something it needs from the operating system.


  2. Hi,

    I installed Debut on my church's computer to record from a video camera in the sanctuary. The church's secretary uses VideoPad to edit the videos. Late in October, the recordings started coming through with no sound. Image works fine, but no sound. I checked and the sound feed from the sanctuary is fine.


    Here's the strange part: The church's computer is running Windows 10 with two logons, regular and administrator. The paid-for version of Debut is installed on the regular login -- that version stopped recording sound. There is still a trial copy of Debut on the administrator login. That version works -- records sound. Anybody know what is going on? I downloaded and installed the latest version of Debut (paid-for) -- still won't record sound. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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